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Lastolite Skylite Rapid Standard Large Kit 2x2m – Комплект рамка и отражателни екрани


Подходящ за употреба както при работа на терен, така и в студио.Екраните се закачват на рамката бързо и удобно чрез кукички с щипки(екраните от старата система с Велкро закрепване също могат да се използват с новите Rapid рамки). Възможна е допълнителната покупка и на грип глава, дръжка или стойка за закрепване на пода.

Skylite Rapid Small Kit 2 x 2m включва:

• Skylight Rapid Рамка Large 2m x 2m (6’6″ x 6’6″)(LL LR822)
• Сребристо-бял рефлектор (LL LR82231R)
•1.25 стопа дифузия (LL LR82207R)
• Skylight Rapid твърд кейс (LL LRCASE1025)

The Skylite Rapid system

The rectangluar LARGE panel is a very versatile size, easily mounted light stands (using the optional Skylite Rapid Griphead LL LA8446). It is available in kit form or as individual components allowing you to build your own configurations. The covers available for the LARGE frame include: 0.75 stop diffuser, 1.25 stop diffuser, silver/white, black/white, sunfire/white and black velvet.

The Skylite panels are the go to solution for location imagemakers who need to diffuse or reflect their light source in the most demanding situations. The lightweight, rapid assembly aluminium rigid frame offers ultimate stability even in windy conditions, whilst the clip on covers offer a complete range of diffusion and reflective surfaces. Each framework collapses down into a neat, compact and very portable rigid carry case. An elastic cord runs through the aluminium making it impossible to lose parts or leave anything behind.

Weight 5000 g
Height 200 cm
Protective Case Yes
Shape Square
Weight 4.6 kg
Width 200 cm